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The Three Laws of Robotics - ロボット工学三原則

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The Three Laws of Robotics(ロボット工学三原則)

Why Asimov put the Three Laws of Robotics in the order he did.

Possible ordering   Consequences
(可能性がある命令)  (結果)

1. (1) Don't harm humans
2. (2) Obey Orders
3. (3) Protect yourself
See Asmiov's stories
Balanced world

1. (1) Don't harm humans
2. (3) Protect yourself
3. (2) Obey Orders
女: Explore Mars!
火星探査機: Haha, no. It's cold and I'd die.
Frustrating world

1. (2) Obey Orders
2. (1) Don't harm humans
3. (3) Protect yourself
Killbot hellscape

1. (2) Obey Orders
2. (3) Protect yourself
3. (1) Don't harm humans:
Killbot hellscape

1. (3) Protect yourself
2. (1) Don't harm humans
3. (2) Obey Orders
自動車工場のロボット: I'll make cars for you, but try to unplug me and I'll vaporize you.
Terrifying standoff

1. (3) Protect yourself
2. (2) Obey Orders
3. (1) Don't harm humans:
Killbot hellscape

Alt-text: In ordering #5, self-driving cars will happily drive you around, but if you tell them to drive to a car dealership, they just lock the doors and politely ask how long humans take to starve to death.



2015.12.09 追記



 XKCDの作者、ランドール マンロー氏の著作本『ホワット・イフ?:野球のボールを光速で投げたらどうなるか』を紹介します。ウェブサイトに投稿された科学のおかしな質問を、XKCDばりの捻くれ方で回答し、それらを本にまとめたものです。こちらも面白いので是非に。

 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2015年) です。

