Dialect Quiz - 方言クイズ
Dialect Quiz(方言クイズ)
Dialect Quiz
(方言クイズ)Compare answers with your friends!
(友達と答えを比べてみよう!)How do you address a group of two or more people?
(2人以上のグループにどのように声をかける?)A) You
B) Y'all
C) I have not been around two or more people for so long that I can't remember
(思い出せないほどの長い間、二人以上の周りにいたことがない。)How do you pronounce "Penelope"?
A) Rhymes with "Antelope"
B) Rhymes with "Develop"
(「デベロップ」と韻を踏む)What do you call the scientific field that studies the stars?
A) Astrology
B) Agronomy
C) Cosmetology
(化粧品学)How do you pronounce "genre"?
A) Gone-ra
B) Juh-neer
C) Jen-er-uhYou pronounce "Google" with a high-pitched yelp on the...
A) First syllable
B) Second syllable
(2番目の音節)What do you call the thing on the wall at school that you drink water from?
A) Gutter pipe
B) Drainpipe
(排水管)How do you pronounce the name for a short silent video file?
A) Animated give
B) Animated gift
(アニメーションギフト)What do you call the baseball-sized garden bugs that, when poked, glow brightly and emit a warbling scream?
A) What?
B) Lawn buddies
(芝の相棒)What do you call the misleading lines painted by disgruntled highway workers to trick cars into driving off the road?
A) Prank lines
B) Devil's Marks
C) Fool-me lines
D) Fauxguides
E) Delaware lines
(デラウェアライン)What do you call the blue-green planet in the outer Solar System?
A) Uranus
B) Neptune
(海王星)What do you call this tool?
A) Banger
B) Nail axe
C) Wood mage wand
D) I'm familiar with this tool but have no specific word for it
E) I have never seen it before
(今まで見たことがない)What do you call a long sandwich with meats and lettuce and stuff?
A) A long sandwich with meats and lettuce and stuff
B) A longwich
C) A salad hot dog
(サラダホットドッグ)What do you call the scaly many-legged animal often found in attics?
A) Lightbulb eater
B) I have no special name for them
C) I've never looked in my attic
(屋根裏を見たことがない)What do you say when someone around you sneezes?
A) "What was that?"
B) "Oh, wow."
C) [Quietly] "Yikes."
([静かに]「こわっ。」)Alt-text: Do you make a distinction between shallots, scallops, and scallions? If you use all three words, do they all have different meanings, all the same, or are two the same and one different?
- この記事は、世界で人気のWebコミック「xkcd」の最新コミックを日本語に翻訳しています。
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XKCDの作者、ランドール マンロー氏の著作本『ホワット・イフ?:野球のボールを光速で投げたらどうなるか』を紹介します。ウェブサイトに投稿された科学のおかしな質問を、XKCDばりの捻くれ方で回答し、それらを本にまとめたものです。こちらも面白いので是非に。

ランドール・ マンロー,吉田 三知世 2015-06-24