As everything else had failed, it was the human race's last hope that paper really did beat rock.
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[How to become the most hated band in the world:]
(世界で最も嫌われるバンドになる方法:)[Record an album that's nothing but brilliant, catchy instant classics guaranteed popularity and airtime,]
(素晴らしいとしか言いようの無い、人気と再生時間が保証される、キャッチーで即時的な懐かしい雰囲気漂う曲を収録したアルバムを録音し・・・、)曲: So far from hooome but i can't sto- [HONK]
(♪家からこんなにも遠く?、でも止められない?♪『ププー!』)男: augh! what?
(おっと、なんだ?)[With a sample of a car horn, cell phone, or alarm clock inserted randomly in each song.]
(そのそれぞれの曲中に、車のクラクション、携帯電話のベル、もしくは、目覚まし時計のベルのサンプリング音をランダムに入れ込んでください。)Alt-text: There are two or three songs out there with beeps in the chorus that sound exactly like the clock radio alarm I had in high school, and hearing it makes me think my life since junior year has been a dream I'm about to wake up from.