Bracket Symbols - 括弧記号
Bracket Symbols(括弧記号)
Bracket Symbols and what they mean(括弧記号とそれらの意味)
( ) Regular parentheses for setting stuff aside
Alt-text: '"'"'" means "I edited this text on both my phone and my laptop before sending it"
[ ] Square brackets (more secure)
{ } This stuff is expensive so be careful with it
" " Someone is talking
' ' Someone British is talking
‹ › An Animorph is talking
« » A French Animorph is talking
| | I'm scared of negative numbers but these sigils will protect me
* * _ _ / / I have a favorite monospaced font
~ ~ I'm being sarcastic and I had a Tumblr account in 2014
[ ( [ { ( ) } ] , ) ] These Python functions are not getting along
⌊ ⌋ Help, I'm a mathematician trying to work with actual numbers and they're scary
ʃ ʅ Why are you trying to read my violin?
| ⟩ Don't stop here--this is quantum country
('"'"'" は、「送信前に携帯電話とノートパソコンの両方でこのテキストを編集した」という意味。)