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Matter - 物質



トニー・ホーク: In the standard model, regular matter will annihilate if it comes in contact with oppositely-charged goofy matter.

Tony Hawk becomes a physics professor

Alt-text: He was the first person to land a 900, which is especially impressive because pulling off a half-integer spin requires obeying Fermi-Dirac statistics.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

Exam Numbers - 試験番号


Exam Numbers(試験番号)

Kindergarten math final exam
Q. Write down the biggest number you can think of
A. [ ]

Pre-algebra final exam
Q. Write down the value of x if x=3x-8
A. [ ]

Calculus final exam
Q. Write down the value of [integral sign, from 0 to pi] x sin^2 x dx
 ([積分記号、0からπまで] x sin^2 x dx の値を書きなさい。)
A. [ ]

PhD cosmology final exam
Q. Write down the Hubble constant to within 1%
A. [ ]

Game theory final exam
Q. Write down 10 more than the average of the class's answers
A. [ ]

Postgraduate math final exam
Q. Write down the biggest number you can think of
A. [ ]

Alt-text: Calligraphy exam: Write down the number 37, spelled out, nicely.
 (カリグラフィーの試験: 数字の37をきれいに書きなさい。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。