選考範囲は、#1311 xkcd: 2014から#1466 xkcd: Phone Checkingまでの計156話です。
- 奥深いもの
- 単純に笑えるもの
- xkcdっぽいと感じるもの
- ツイート数、もしくは、はてなブックマーク数が多いもの
10位: Train(電車)
©xkcd.com Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License
(...もうちょっと...)A machine that grabs the Earth by metal rails and rotates it until the part you want is near you
(鉄のレールで地球を掴み、君が行きたい部分に近づくまで、地球を回転させる機械)Alt-text: Trains rotate the Earth around various axes while elevators shift its position in space.
9位: Frequency(頻度)
One birth(誰かの誕生)
One death(誰かの死)
Someone edits Wikipedia(誰かがWikipediaを編集)
Someone buys a vibrator(誰かがバイブレーター購入)
China builds a car(中国が車を製造)
Japan builds a car(日本が車を製造)
Germany builds a car(ドイツが車を製造)
The US builds a car(アメリカが車を製造)
Someone else builds a car(その他の国が車を製造)
A European Union resident has their first kiss(EUに住む人達のファーストキス)
A US fire department puts out a fire(アメリカの消防署が火を消す)
Someone hits a hole-in-one(誰かのホールインワン)
My turn signal blinks(僕の方向指示器の点滅)
The turn signal of the car in front of me blinks(僕の前にいる車の方向指示灯の点滅)
Earthquake (magnitude 1)(地震(マグニチュード1))
Earthquake (magnitude 2)(地震(マグニチュード2))
Earthquake (magnitude 3)(地震(マグニチュード3))
Earthquake (magnitude 4)(地震(マグニチュード4))
A member of the UK parliament flushes a toilet(英国議会の議員がトイレを流す)
An airline flight takes off(航空便の離陸)
Someone buys To kill a mockingbird(「アラバマ物語」を誰かが飼う)
Someone's pet cat kills a mockingbird(誰かの飼い猫がモッキングバードを殺す)
Someone in Phoenix buys new shoes(フェニックスの誰かが新しい靴を買う)
Someone in Phoenix puts on a condom(フェニックスの誰かがコンドームを装着)
Someone locks their keys in their car(誰かが車内にキーを閉じ込める)
A Sagittarius named Amelia drinks a soda(アミーリアという名の射手座生まれの人がソーダを飲む)
A dog bites someone in the US(犬がアメリカで誰かを噛む)
Someone steals a bicycle(誰かが自転車を盗む)
A bald eagle catches a fish(ハクトウワシは魚を捕える)
50,000 plastic bottles are produced(50000個のペットボトルが生産される)
50,000 plastic bottles are recycled(50000個のペットボトルがリサイクルされる)
A bright meteor is visible somewhere(明るい流星がどこかで見える)
Old Faithful erupts(オールド・フェイスフルが噴火)
A fishing boat catches a shark(フィッシングボートがサメを捕える)
Someone in the US is diagnosed with cancer(アメリカの誰かがガンと診断される)
Someone in the US dies from cancer(アメリカの誰かがガンで死ぬ)
Someone adopts a dog from a shelter(誰かが保護施設から犬を飼うために連れ出す)
Someone adopts a cat from a shelter(誰かが保護施設から猫を飼うために連れ出す)
Someone gets married(誰かが結婚)
Someone registers a domain(誰かがドメインを登録)
Someone in the US buys a house(誰かがアメリカで家を買う)
Someone in the US gets a tattoo(誰かがアメリカでタトゥーを入れる)
The star PSR J1748-2446AD rotates 1,000 times(「star PSR J1748-2446AD」が1000回転する
Someone lies about their age to sign up for Facebook(誰かがフェイスブックに登録する為に年齢をごまかす)
Someone breaks an iPhone screen(誰かがiPhoneのスクリーンを壊す)
A Little League player strikes out(リトル・リーグの選手が三振させる)
Someone has sex in North Dakota(誰かがノースダコタでセックスする)
Justin Bieber gains a follower on Twitter(ジャスティン・ビーバーがツイッターでフォローワーを増やす)
Someone in Denver orders pizza(デンバーの誰かがピザを注文)Alt-text: This comic shows estimated average frequency. I wanted to include the pitch drop experiment, but it turns out the gif format has some issues with decade-long loops.
8位: Tasks(仕事)
男: When a user takes a photo, the app should check whether they're in a national park...
ポニーテール: Sure, easy GIS lookup. Gimme a few hours.
男: ...and check whether the photo is of a bird.
ポニーテール: I'll need a research team and five years.
In CS, it can be hard to explain the difference between the easy and the virtually impossible
(コンピューターサイエンスでは、簡単な事と、事実上不可能である物の違いを説明するのは困難な場合がある。)Alt-text: In the 60s, Marvin Minsky assigned a couple of undergrads to spend the summer programming a computer to use a camera to identify objects in a scene. He figured they'd have the problem solved by the end of the summer. Half a century later, we're still working on it.
7位: Efficiency - 効率
Time Cost(時間的なコスト)
Strategy A
Strategy B
Analyzing whether strategy A or B is more efficient
The reason I am so inefficient
(僕がとても非効率である理由)Alt-text: I need an extension for my research project because I spent all month trying to figure out whether learning Dvorak would help me type it faster.
6位: Surface Area(表面積)
Surface Area(表面積)
Space without the space
the solar system's surfaces stitched together
(Excluding dust and small rocks)
(ホコリや小さい岩は除く)Alt-text: This isn't an informational illustration; this is a thing I think we should do. First, we'll need a gigantic spool of thread. Next, we'll need some kind of ... hmm, time to head to Seattle.
5位: Land Mammals(陸上の哺乳類)
Land Mammals(陸上の哺乳類)
Earth's Land Mammals by weight
■ = 1,000,000 tons
(■ = 1,000,000トン)
Humans, Our pets and livestock, wild animals
(人間、ペットと家畜、野生動物)Alt-text: Bacteria still outweigh us thousands to one--and that's not even counting the several pounds of them in your body.
4位: Astronaut Vandalism(宇宙飛行士の標識荒らし)
Astronaut Vandalism(宇宙飛行士の標識荒らし)
Space 62↑
Jackson 115→
Memphis 98←
(メンフィスまで98マイル)Alt-text: That night, retired USAF pilots covertly replaced the '62' with '50'.
3位: Heartbleed Explanation(Heartbleedの解説)
Heartbleed Explanation(Heartbleedの解説)
How the Heartbleed bug works:
(Heartbleedバグはどのように機能するか:)女: Server, are you still there? If so, reply "POTATO" (6 letters).
サーバ内: User Meg wants these 6 letters: POTATO.
(POTATO)女: Server, are you still there? If so, reply "BIRD" (4 letters).
サーバ内: User Meg wants these 4 letters: BIRD.
サーバ: BIRD
女: Hmm...
(うーん...)女: Server, are you still there? If so, reply "HAT" (500 letters).
サーバ内: User Meg wants these 500 letters: HAT.
サーバ: HAT. Lucas requests the "missed connections" page. Eve (administrator) wants to set server's key to "14835038534". Isabel wants pages about "snakes but not too long". User Karen wants to change account password to "CoHoBaSt". User Amber requests pass...
(HATに続き、漏洩した文字列群...)Alt-text: Are you still there, server? It's me, Margaret.
今年4月に大きな話題となった、 Heartbleedバグの理解を助けてくれるコミック。役に立ちます。
2位: Photos(写真)
白帽子: Ugh, I hate how people take pictures instead of just enjoying the view.
男: Why?
白帽子: Documenting your life distracts you from living it. You're not really-
男: Oh, come on.
(あぁ、そんなことないよ。)男: Trying to take a picture of a thing makes me pay more attention to it. Some of my best adventures are built around trying to photograph something.
(何かの写真を撮ろうとする行為は、対象物により多くの注意を与えることになる。最高の冒険の幾つかは、何かの写真を撮ろうとすることの周りで築き上げられるんだ。)男: If "other people having experiences incorrectly" is annoying you, think how unbearable it must be to have a condescending stranger tell you they hate the way you're experiencing your life at just the moment you've found something you want to remember. Why the fuck do you care how someone else enjoys a sunset?
(「体験し損なう人々」が嫌だと感じるなら、君が記憶しておきたい何かを見つけたその瞬間に、君の生活を体験するそのスタイルが、嫌いだと他人から見下される事が、どれだけ耐え難いことかを考えてみろ。どうして君が、そんなにも、他の誰かが夕日を楽しんでいるかについて気にするんだ?)白帽子: Well, they... Because I just, uh... ...
(かちっ)Title text: I hate when people take photos of their meal instead of eating it, because there's nothing I love more than the sound of other people chewing.
1位: Automation(自動化)
"I spend a lot of time on this task. I should write a program automating it!"
縦軸: Work(仕事量)
横: Time(時間)
Writing code(コード作成)
Work on original task(元のタスクの仕事量)
Automation takes over(自動化の引き継ぎ分)
Free time(自由時間)Reality:(実際:)
縦軸: Work(仕事量)
横: Time(時間)
Writing code(コード作成)
Ongoing development(開発の継続)
No time for original task anymore(もう、元のタスクをやる時間なんて無い)Alt-text: 'Automating' comes from the roots 'auto-' meaning 'self-', and 'mating', meaning 'screwing'.
XKCDの作者、ランドール マンロー氏の著作本『ホワット・イフ?:野球のボールを光速で投げたらどうなるか』を紹介します。ウェブサイトに投稿された科学のおかしな質問を、XKCDばりの捻くれ方で回答し、それらを本にまとめたものです。こちらも面白いので是非に。

ランドール・ マンロー,吉田 三知世 2015-06-24