Airplanes and Spaceships - 宇宙船はもう古い乗り物
Airplanes and Spaceships(飛行機と宇宙船)
December 17, 1903
First human airplane flight
April 12, 1961
First human spaceflight
57 years 4 months(57年4ヶ月)2-3の間
57 years 7 months(57年7ヶ月)Spaceships are now older than airplanes were when we flew our first spaceships.
(私たちが最初の宇宙船を打ち上げた時の飛行機よりも、現在、宇宙船は古い乗り物になった。)Alt-text: Despite having now taken three months longer than the airplane people, we're making disappointingly little progress toward the obvious next stage of vehicle: The Unobtanium-hulled tunneling ship from the 2003 film 'The Core.'