News Story Reaction - ニュースへの反応
News Story Reaction(ニュースへの反応)
男: Devastated to hear that a pack of wild dogs got into the Louvre and shredded the Mona Lisa.
What a loss for humanity.
My first kiss was in the aisle of a J.C. Penny that had a poster of the Mona Lisa on the wall, so this is hitting me especially hard.
(僕のファーストキスは、壁にモナリザのポスターが貼られていたJ.C.ペニーの通路だったので、今回のことは特に心に響いた。)Sometimes I have to remind myself not to make every news story about me.
(時々、すべてのニュースを自分のことにしてはいけないと自分に言い聞かせている。)Alt-text: Unless the next line is, "After we broke up, she blamed the painting and spent years planning her revenge, so my sorrow is mixed with relief that the dogs at least denied her that triumph."