Angular Diameter Turnaround - 角直径の転換
Angular Diameter Turnaround(角直径の転換)
Angular Diameter Turnaround
Illustrated using phones instead of galaxies
(Brightness and redshift adjusted to keep phones visible)
Things that are far away look smaller, but things that are really far away look bigger, because when their light was emitted, the universe was small and they were close to us.
(遠くのものは小さく見え、本当に遠いものは大きく見える。それは、その光が発せられたとき、宇宙は小さく、それらは私たちの近くにあったからだ。)Alt-text: Thank you to Katie Mack for teaching me about this effect, and to Janelle Shane for describing redshifts as 'like galaxies sinking into a pool of dilute blood,' which is how I'll see them from now on.