Mouse Turbines - ネズミのタービン
Mouse Turbines(ネズミのタービン)
ベレー帽: Ahh, summer!
ベレー帽: The clouds are big, the bugs are zooming,
(雲は大きく、虫たちは飛び回っている。)ベレー帽: and the field mice have put up their little wind turbines.
(そして野ネズミは小さな風力タービンを設置した。)女(欄外): You mean dandelions?
ベレー帽: No.
(いや)ベレー帽: Make a wish!
ネズミ: Yaaay!
(ヤッター!)Alt-text: It's sad seeing those videos of turbine blade being torn apart in high winds, but it's the only way they can disperse their seeds.