Cold Complaints - 風邪の不満
Cold Complaints(風邪の不満)
ポニーテール: Well, it's not COVID or flu. Probably one of the other viruses.
男: Ughh
(げげ)ポニーテール: There's not much you can do to speed up recovery other than rest, hydrate, and whine and complain and be a gigantic baby about it.
(回復を早めるのにできることは、休養と水分補給、そして愚痴や不満をこぼすことくらいしかないわ。)男: Whine and complain?
ポニーテール: Yeah. You need to act like you're the first person ever to have a cold.
(そう。風邪をひいた初めての人という風に振舞う必要がある。)欄外の声: Are you sure that's what she said?
男: Unbelievable. Here I am, the only person ever to feel bad, and you're doubting me?
(信じられない。ここにいる私だけが具合が悪い、僕を疑ってるのか?)Alt-text: Our investigation into whining-based remedies became the first study to be halted by the IRB on the grounds that the treatment group was 'too annoying.'