Drainage Basins - 流域
Drainage Basins(流域)
US Drainage Basins(米国流域)
Where Alex Mack Will End Up
(アレックス・マックの行き着く先)Pacific Ocean(太平洋)
Great Basin(グレート盆地)
Arctic Ocean(北極海)
Various Basins(いろいろな盆地)
Hudson Bay(ハドソン湾)
Gulf of Mexico(メキシコ湾)
Atlantic Ocean(大西洋)How I still think of these maps, deep down
(今でも心の奥底で、この地図のことを考えている)Alt-text: After a pail of water was thrown on the Wicked Witch of the West outside Salt Lake City, Utah's Great Salt Lake was measured to be 7 parts per trillion witch by volume.