【Twitterまとめ 6/5~6/11】「偶然の一致」他 282ネタ目
偶然の一致https://t.co/CCWRdpsDmP #ねこ #猫動画 pic.twitter.com/qC0oIRfPyk
— なぐ@naglly.comの中の人 (@naagle) June 6, 2023
偶然の一致https://t.co/CCWRdpsDmP #ねこ #猫動画 pic.twitter.com/qC0oIRfPyk
— なぐ@naglly.comの中の人 (@naagle) June 6, 2023
欄外の声: But then how did it interact with the ordinary baryonic matter in the Titanic's hull?
(しかし、それではタイタニック号の船体に含まれる通常のバリオン物質と、どのように相互作用したのでしょうか?)Normal Matter(通常物質)
Dark Matter(暗黒物質)My hobbyu: Refusing to understand the iceberg metaphor
(僕の趣味:氷山の比喩の理解を拒むこと)Alt-text: 90% of the iceberg is hidden beneath the water, but that 90% only uses 10% of its brain, so it's really only 9%.
UFO Evidence(UFOの証拠)
白ハット: You scientists aren't willing to take my UFO evidence seriously!
(君ら科学者は、私のUFOの証拠を真剣に受け止める気がないようだな!)男: I once spent a whole day trying to confirm the existence of a director's cut of Cats (2019) where the cats had anatomically correct CGI butts.
(僕は以前、『キャッツ』(2019年)のディレクターズカットで、猫が解剖学的に正しいコンピューターグラフィックのお尻をしている作品の存在を確認するために、丸一日かけたことがある。)男: It's honestly embarrassing how fast I'd do a 180 if your evidence seemed promising.
(正直なところ、君の根拠が有望だと思えば、すぐに180度変わってしまうのが恥ずかしい。)Alt-text: [Decades in the future] "Well, the good news is that we've received definitive communication from aliens. The bad news is that they're asking about Cats (2019)."
Marble Run(マーブル・ラン)
女: Check out this cool video of a Rube Goldberg marble run.
男: No! Not yet.
(いい!まだみない。)男: I've always known I'm doomed to eventually become one of those people who builds elaborate marble runs in their garage.
男: I can feel the pull.
男: So satisfying.
(だから、満足だ。)男: I just want to do as many other things as I can before I give in and disappear into that world.
(ただ、屈服してその世界へ消えてしまう前に、他のことをできるだけたくさんやっておきたい。)女: So you know where you're going to end up, but you're trying to take a really interesting and circuitous path to get there.
男: Exactly. Bounce around, maybe go off a few jumps.
(その通り。跳ね回ってみたり、何度かジャンプしてみたりして。)Alt-text: I have so many plans. It would incorporate a Galton board, a Ranque-Hilsch marble vortex tube, and a compartment lined with pinball bouncers with a camera-and-servo Maxwell's Demon that separated the balls into fast and slow sides.
おちゃめさんhttps://t.co/YMUAIuC2y3 #ねこ #猫画像 pic.twitter.com/gEc8KGtwfB
— なぐ@naglly.comの中の人 (@naagle) May 30, 2023