Odyssey - オデッセイ
ポニーテール: Happy birthday!
男: Oh cool, Emily Wilson's Iliad translation!
(お、かっこいい。エミリー・ウィルソンの『イリアース』翻訳だ!)男: I never read her Odyssey. I should read that, too.
The Odyssey (2017)
Emily Wilson(エミリー・ウイルソン)
Arrives Friday(金曜到着)
[Order](注文)Package Tracking(荷物追跡)
Order Status:(注文状況:)
Expected: Friday by 8pm(予想:金曜の夜9時)Package Tracking(荷物追跡)
Order Status:(注文状況:)
[Swept by winds
to the island of
the lotus eaters]
Expected: ?? 2033 ??(予想:2033/??/??)Alt-text: Ugh, it says they attempted delivery but "Nobody was home."