Perseverance Microphones(パーサヴィアランスのマイク)
女: Perseverance's microphones are active! Downlinking audio!
(パーサヴィアランスのマイクがアクティブになった!オーディオをダウンリンク!)男: I'm ready with the looper pedal.
(ループペダルの準備できた。)The first Mars sample return
(初の火星サンプル採取)Alt-text: If the first audio they downlink is from the descent, we probably won't be able to hear anything over the sound of the rover screaming.
Animal Songs(動物の歌)
ファウチ医師: Putting on my doctor coat
ファウチ医師: It's the coat I wear
(それは私が着る上着〜)ファウチ医師: so they know how good a doctor I am
(だから、彼らは私がどれほど優秀な医者か知っている〜)欄外の声: Dr. Fauci? The press conference is in five.
ファウチ医師: Be right there!
(すぐ行く!)It's nice to think about how serious and important people probably also absentmindedly sing made-up songs to pets.
(真面目で重要な人物でも、うっかりペットに作り上げた歌を歌っているのかもしれないと考えるのもよいことだ。)Alt-text: Dr. Fauci is not permitted to have a cat, because as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, his petting one would be considered giving aid and comfort to an allergen.