Heart-Stopping Texts - 衝撃的なテキスト
Heart-Stopping Texts(衝撃的なテキスト)
Most heart-stopping texts to receive out of the blue
(突然送られてきた最も衝撃的なメッセージの数々)Did you forget what day it is?
I bet you're probably getting bombarded with texts right now, huh?
Did you mean to post that to everyone?
Is this your house? cnn.com/2021/11/19/S...
(ここはあなたの家です? cnn.com/2021/11/19/S...)
You didn't click on any weird emails recently, did you?
Can I call?
Wait, do you know Joe Rogan? How does he know your name?
Why are you trending on Twitter?
(なんで、ツイッターのトレンドになっているの?)Alt-text: Was this your car? [looping 'image loading' animation]