Consensus Time - コンセンサスタイム
Consensus Time(コンセンサスタイム)
Proposal: Consensus Time
Every day, anyone in the time zone can press a button when they feel like it's 9 AM. The next day, clocks slow down or speed up to match the median choice from the previous day.
(毎日、タイムゾーンにいる誰もが、朝9時になったと思ったらボタンを押すことができる。翌日、時計は前日の中央値に合わせて遅くなったり早くなったりする。)Alt-text: Now, you may argue that the varying hour lengths and feedback effects would cause chaos. To which I say, yeah, and I'm also curious to see how the weekday cycle interacts with it! So, you in?