Division Notation - 除算表記
Division Notation(除算表記)
Division notation(除算表記)
A÷B, B⟌A Schoolchild.(学生)
A/B Software engineer.(ソフトウエアエンジニア)
A⁄B Normal person or Unicode enthusiast.(普通の人もしくは、ユニコード愛好家)A
B Scientist.(科学者)AB-1 Fancy scientist.(空想科学者)
F(A, B)
such that
F(G)= (~~) Oh no, run(あぁ。実行。)Alt-text: Science tip: Scientists hardly ever use the two-dot division sign, and when they do it often doesn't even mean division, but they still get REALLY mad when you repurpose it to write stuff like SALE! ALL SHOES 30÷ OFF!