Actual Progress - 実際の進捗状況
Actual Progress(実際の進捗状況)
男: When I started this morning, there were a few edge cases I was confused about.
(今朝始めたとき、いくつかのエッジケースに戸惑った。)男: But now after a full day of research,
(でも、丸一日かけて調査した結果、今はこうなっている...)男: I'm confused about all the regular cases, too.
(通常のケースにもすべて困惑してる。)ポニーテール: Ah, actual progress!
(ああ、実際の進展ね!)Alt-text: Slowly progressing from 'how do protons behave in relativistic collisions?' to 'what the heck are protons even doing when they're just sitting there?'