ネコ軍団 vs 見えないラップの壁(動画)
Earthquake Early Warnings(緊急地震速報)
女: Ooh, California has a new earthquake early warning app.
男: Yeah, I'm so mad about it.
(そうなんだ。僕は、それについてかなり頭に来てる。)女: What, why?
男: It ruins the experience of trying to recognize the p-waves before the obvious main waves hit.
(明らかな本震が到達する前に、P波を認識しようとする経験を台無しにするから。)女: So you're mad about earthquake spoilers?
男: I just want to experience the shaking the way the tectonic plate intended!
(構造プレートが意図した通りの揺れを体験したいだけなんだ!)Alt-text: I was fired by the National Weather Service five minutes after they hired me for going into their code base and renaming all the tornado warnings to "tornado spoiler alerts."
女: I'll go ask.
女: You wait here.
(ここで待ってて。)タムナス: Halt! Who goes there?
女: Hey Tumnus. Quick question.
タムナス: Yes?
(なんだ?)女: Is Narnia in the E.U.?
タムナス: Yes, we joined after you did.
女: Oh great, another border to deal with.
(お、いいね。対処しなくちゃならない、もう一つの境界線だ。)男: I'll go find a lock for the door.
(ドアの鍵を探してくるよ。)Alt-text: If you'd just agree to hold your meetings in here, you'd have PLENTY of time to figure things out before the deadline.