伝承の猛獣現る https://t.co/c1AQjfx2Pf #猫画像 pic.twitter.com/BAE7RpjSAF
— なぐ@naglly.comの中の人 (@naagle) January 31, 2020
もふもふの詰め合わせ https://t.co/eMHg4lNxSK #ネコ pic.twitter.com/B1qu7Lyhu3
— なぐ@naglly.comの中の人 (@naagle) January 30, 2020
Parker Solar Probe(パーカー・ソーラー・プローブ)
Looking down toward the Sun and the Parker Solar Probe
(Distances are to scale, sizes are not to scale)
男: Careful!
Helios 2 (1976)
Parker Solar Probe (today)
Parker Solar Probe (2025)
(Not to scale)
(実寸ではない)Alt-text: It will get within 9 or 10 Sun-diameters of the "bottom" (the Sun's surface) which seems pretty far when you put it that way, but from up here on Earth it's practically all the way down.
Worst Thing That Could Happen(起きうる最悪のこと)
ポニーテール: We should upgrade. What's the worst that could happen?
男1: Supervolcano.
男2: Robot uprising.
女: Everyone falls down a well at once.
(みんなして井戸に落ちる。)男1: Instead of hitting the tallest thing around, lightning starts hitting the nicest.
女: Seagulls all get handguns.
男2: A really slow nuclear war.
(本当に遅い核戦争。)男1: We all have to go on a game show where they show you photos of people you've met once and ask you their names, and if you get one wrong a trapdoor opens and you fall into a garbage disposal.
男2: Ooh, that's a good one.
女: Yeah, let's put off the upgrade.
(では、アップグレードを先送りしよう。)Alt-text: Before I install any patch, I always open the patch notes and Ctrl-F for 'supervolcano', 'seagull', and 'garbage disposal', just to be safe.
(パッチをインストールする前に、念のため、「supervolcano」、「seagull」、「garbage discard」のパッチノートとCtrl-Fを常に開いておく。)