The True Name of the Bear - クマの本当の名前
The True Name of the Bear(クマの本当の名前)
女: Wow - according to the internet, we don't know the true name of the bear.
男: What?
(なんだって?)女: Apparently there was a superstition that saying its name would summon it. "Bear" and "bruin" mean "the brown one." Its actual name has been lost.
男: Wow.
ポニーテール: Gretchen, is this for real?
(グレッチャン、これは本当なの?)グレッチャン: Well, sort of
グレッチャン: The Proto-Indo-European root was *rkto-
グレッチャン: It was lost in the Germanic languages like English, but survived elsewhere, e.g. Greek "arktos" and Latin "ursus"
(それは英語のようなゲルマン語系では失われましたが、ギリシャ語の「arktos」やラテン語の「ursus」など、他の場所では生き残りました。)女: So could we figure out what the word would have been in English?
グレッチャン: Hmm. I mean, we'll never know, but given Germanic sound shifts, a reasonable guess might be "arth"?
(うーん。つまり、私たちには決して分かりませんが、ゲルマンの音の変化を考えると、合理的な推測は「arth」かもしれません。)ポニーテール: No!!
(だめ!!)ポニーテール(欄外): Stop! AAAAA!
グレッチャン: What??
ポニーテール(欄外): Don't say it!
ポニーテール: What have you done?
欄外: ROAR
グレッチャン: Oh
グレッチャン: Oh no
(しまった。)Alt-text: Thank you to Gretchen McCulloch for fielding this question, and sorry that as a result the world's foremost internet linguist has been devoured by the brown one. She will be missed.