【Twitterまとめ 8/7~8/13】「むにゃむにゃむにゃ」他 291ネタ目
むにゃむにゃむにゃhttps://t.co/gd1ydEJRlC #ねこ #猫動画 pic.twitter.com/OgmNVxsqOf
— なぐ@naglly.comの中の人 (@naagle) August 8, 2023
むにゃむにゃむにゃhttps://t.co/gd1ydEJRlC #ねこ #猫動画 pic.twitter.com/OgmNVxsqOf
— なぐ@naglly.comの中の人 (@naagle) August 8, 2023
Perseids Pronunciation(ペルセウス座の発音)
How to pronounce the name of the Perseids meteor shower
(ペルセウス座流星群の名前の発音)Generally accepted(一般的に受け入れられます)
PURSE-yidsAlso heard sometimes(時々聞く)
Per-SAY-idsGenerally frowned on(一般的に嫌われる)
PER-sudsDefinitely wrong(完全に間違い)
Percies Purps
Pepsids PeepsAlt-text: When speaking out loud, you can can [sic] call it the 'Perseids meatier shower' and no one will ever know. (If you do get caught somehow, just tell them to Google the 'Kentucky meat shower' and that will distract them while you escape.)
What to Do(すべきこと)
stand up straight, speak firmly, and slowly back away(背筋を伸ばし、毅然とした態度で話し、ゆっくりと後ずさりする)
run toward a building or hard-topped vehicle(建物やハードトップの車に向かって走る)
calmly exit the building(静かに建物を出る)
apply firm pressure(強く押す)
mountain lion(マウンテンライオン)
fire alarm(火災警報)
Alt-text: FYI: The 'drop, cover, and hold on' advice only applies to earthquakes. If you encounter a mountain lion, you should absolutely not drop to the ground, crawl under it, and hold on to one of its legs.
Solar Panel Placement(ソーラーパネルの配置)
Option A:(オプションA:)
1m2 (south-facing(南向き))
($0.20/kWh)×(4 kWh/m2/day)×(1 m2)×20% = $58/yearOption B:(オプションB:)
1m2 (downward(下向き))
($0.20/kWh)×(sun luminosity(太陽光度)/sun area(太陽面積))×(1 m2)×20% = $22 million/yearSolar energy tip: To maximize sun exposure, always orient your panels downward and install them on the surface of the sun.
(太陽エネルギーのヒント:太陽の光を最大限に浴びるには、パネルを常に下向きにして太陽の表面に設置すること。)Alt-text: Getting the utility people to run transmission lines to Earth is expensive, but it will pay for itself in no time.
サケ、ネコ、マグロhttps://t.co/MXzvWqycY9 #ねこ #猫画像 pic.twitter.com/pD7GVw17OT
— なぐ@naglly.comの中の人 (@naagle) August 3, 2023