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Free Fallin' - フリー・フォーリン


Free Fallin'(フリー・フォーリン)

Due to an obscure law, if you download a song onto a flight data recorder and send it to the NTSB, they have to do a report on it.

Alt-text: Their crash investigation team had some particularly harsh words for Dave Matthews.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

How to Coil a Cable - ケーブルの巻き方


How to Coil a Cable(ケーブルの巻き方)

How to Coil a Cable Properly

Step 1(ステップ1)
男: I need to buy a different brand of cable! This one always twists into spirals and gets tangled.
Step 2(ステップ2)
白ハット: No! That's because of how you're coiling it!
Step 3(ステップ3)
男以外: ...over-under method... ...figure-8... ...quarter-turn... ...flaking...
 (...オーバーアンダー法... ...8の字法... ...1/4回転法... ...フレーキング法...)
Step 4(ステップ4)
Neatly coiled!

The ideal mix for maximum competitive cable-coiling energy is one A/V tech, one rock climber, one sailor, and one topologis


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Moon - 月



ポニーテール: That thing hanging in the sky is a second nearby world. It's close enough that you can see its surface as it passes overhead.
男: Wow. Isn't that... weird?
ポニーテール: I dunno, it's just always been there.

If it didn't exist, the moon would sound like such an outlandish sci-fi concept.

Alt-text: I mean, it's pretty, but it doesn't really affect us beyond that. Except that half the nights aren't really dark, and once or twice a day it makes the oceans flood the coasts.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。