【Twitterまとめ 1/15~1/21】「アグレッシブフレンドリー犬」他 312ネタ
アグレッシブフレンドリー犬https://t.co/iUJ2ZNkE9g #いぬ #犬動画 pic.twitter.com/JqSQ6Eqw6V
— なぐ@naglly.comの中の人 (@naagle) January 15, 2024
アグレッシブフレンドリー犬https://t.co/iUJ2ZNkE9g #いぬ #犬動画 pic.twitter.com/JqSQ6Eqw6V
— なぐ@naglly.comの中の人 (@naagle) January 15, 2024
Astronaut Guests(宇宙飛行士の客)
男: We don't have houseguests often, but we once had six astronauts over for dinner.
(うちにはあまりお客さんは来ないんだけど、宇宙飛行士を6人呼んで夕食をしたことがあるんだ。)お客さん: Oh, wow!
(お、すごっ!)男: ...for 7½ milliseconds in mid-August 2012.
(...2012年8月中旬、7ミリ半秒の間。)If you spend enough time looking at orbital records and property lines, you can make this claim in a lot of places.
(十分な時間をかけて軌道の記録や土地の境界線を調べれば、多くの場所でこの主張をすることができる。)Alt-text: They didn't bring us a gift, but considering the kinetic energy of a bottle of wine at orbital speed, that's probably for the best.
Net Rotations(合計の回転)
男(考え中): ...and three lefts for going down the stairwell at work, two rights from cloverleaf interchanges, minus one for the Earth's rotation...
男(考え中): Okay, that's a net of 17 right.
(オーケー、これで合計17回の右回転だね。)Spacetime health tip: Remember to cancel out your accumulated turns at the end of each day to avoid worldline torsion.
(時空間健康法のヒント:世界線のねじれを避けるため、1日の終わりに累積ターンを相殺することを忘れないこと。)Alt-text: For decades I've been working off the accumulated rotation from one long afternoon on a merry-go-round when I was eight.
Bug Thread(バグスレッド)
ユーザー1: Same issue here.
ユーザー2: I'm having this problem too. None of the posted fixes work.
ユーザー3: Same.
ユーザー4: +1. So frustrating.
ユーザー5: I'm still having this. Did you all ever figure out a fix?
ユーザー6: Same problem as everyone. I tried the steps in the posts here, here, and here. Nothing.
ユーザー7: Add me to the list.
ユーザー8: Same. Ugh. Can't believe this thread is 5 years old now.
ユーザー9: Where does everyone live? Do we want to get a beach house for a weekend or something?
(みんなどこに住んでるの?週末に海の家とか借りる?)At some point, you just have to give up on fixing the bug and embrace the fact that you have dozens of new friends.
(ある時点で、バグを修正することをあきらめ、何十人もの新しい友人がいるという事実を受け入れるしかない。)Alt-text: After some account issues, we've added 6 new people from the beach house rental website support forum.
ぎょろりんhttps://t.co/rWvvOxEswy #ねこ #猫動画 pic.twitter.com/MAYh1MHU7P
— なぐ@naglly.comの中の人 (@naagle) January 10, 2024