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Range Safety - 射場安全管理


Range Safety(射場安全管理)

声1: There are reports of thunderstorms in the downrange area.
声1: The Range Safety Officer has ordered a launch hold.
声1: But the Range Danger Officer wants to launch the rocket toward the biggest thunderstorm.
声2: Okay, why do we even have that position?

Alt-text: The Range Mischief Officer has modified the trajectory to add a single random spin somewhere in the flight, but won't tell us where.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

2024 - 2024年



ポニーテール: So this is 2024.
男: Yup. Guess it's an election year now.
ポニーテール: Again? Man, those just keep happening, huh?

ポニーテール: Who's the president these days, anyway? Is it still Obama?
男: What? No? He hasn't been... How do you not...

ポニーテール: Darn, I liked him. Is he running this time?
男: No, he's not allowed to.
ポニーテール: He's not? Why?
男: Constitution.

スマホ画面: Amendment 22
スマホ画面: No person shall be elected to the office of the president more than twice

ポニーテール: What?? C'mon...
ポニーテール: Don't all your cells get replaced every seven years, Ship of Theseus-style? Is he even the same person?
ポニーテール: Maybe "no person shall be elected more than twice" isn't a prohibition, it's more of an observation, like "you can't step in the same river twice.

男: Isn't the cell thing a myth?
男: I think tooth enamel has a turnover half-life of 30+ years. His teeth molecules are probably the same.

ポニーテール: So if Obama just gets false teeth, he can run again! I need to talk to a dentist and a lawyer!
男: The Supreme Court is about to vote 9-0 to block your number.

Alt-text: It wasn't originally constitutionally required, but presidents who served two terms have traditionally followed George Washington's example and gotten false teeth.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

Iceland - アイスランド



男(発表者): Okay, we'll make it an island on a mid-ocean ridge to satisfy the mantle people and the oceanographers.
男(着席): But what about my glaciers?
男(発表者): We can just pile them on the volcanoes.
女(着席): Don't forget that it has to be near a pole - I was promised aurora!

Iceland was designed by a committee of planetary scientists that was trying to satisfy everyone.

Alt-text: The HVAC bill for installing the Gulf Stream was enormous.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。