Network Configuration - ネットワーク設定
Network Configuration(ネットワーク設定)
ポニーテール: Ugh, your connection is so laggy.
画面: Yeah, sorry.
男: It's because I messed up my network configuration and now I have to rebuild a separate civilization from scratch for each packet.
ポニーテール: Huh?
ポニーテール: What are you talking about?
ポニーテール: ...Hello?
(...もしもし?)男: Sorry, got stuck in the Neolithic that time.
男: Inventing farming takes forever.
(農業の発明にはとてつもなく時間がかかる。)Alt-text: If you repeatedly rerun the development of technological civilization, it turns out that for some reason the only constant is that there is always a networking utility called 'netcat', though it does a different thing in each one.