Scientific Briefing - 科学的説明
Scientific Briefing(科学的報告)
女: Here's the situation:
女: This line is here.
男: But it's going up toward here.
(でも、ここへ向かっている。)白ハット: So things will be bad?
女: Unless someone does something to stop it.
白ハット: Will anyone do that?
女: ...We don't know.
女: That's why we're showing you this.
(だからこそ、これを見せるの。)白ハット: So you don't know,
白ハット: And the graph says things are not bad.
女: But if no one acts, they'll become bad.
(でも、誰も行動しなければ、それらは悪くなるだろう。)白ハット: Well, please let me know if that happens!
女: Based on this conversation, it already has.
(この会話に基づくなら、既に起きてる。)Alt-text: "I actually came in in the middle so I don't know which topic we're briefing on; the same slides work for like half of them."