Large Number Formats - 大きい数字のフォーマット
Large Number Formats(大きい数字のフォーマット)
What the way you write large numbers says about you
(Using the approximate current distance to Jupiter in inches as an example)
Normal person(普通の人)25 trillion(25兆)
Normal person(普通の人)25 billion(25億)
Old British person(昔のイギリス人)2.526x1013
Scientist trying to avoid rounding up(丸めを避けようとする科学者)2.526e13 or
Software developer(ソフトウェア開発者)25,259,973,541,888
Software developer who forgot about floats(浮動小数点を忘れたソフトウェア開発者)1013
Set theorist(集合論学者)1,262,998,704,860 score and four(1,262,998,704,860スコアと4)
Abraham Lincoln(アブラハム・リンカーン)Alt-text: 10^13.4024: A person who has come back to numbers after a journey deep into some random theoretical field
(10^13.4024: どこかのランダムな理論分野に深く入り込んだ旅を経て、数字に戻ってきた人)
- xkcd: Large Number Formats
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