X - エックス
男: I've developed a new programming language!
欄外の声1: Didn't a judge order you to stop doing that?
男: Higher court threw out the ruling!
男: I'm back, suckers!
欄外の声1: Dammit.
(くっそー。)男: But I promise it's good this time!
男: Just normal code. Good clean syntax. Nothing weird.
欄外の声1: Okay...
(そうなのか...)男: Except the only variable name is "X". To refer to different variables you have to write "X" in different fonts.
欄外の声1: I'm calling the court.
欄外の声2: Maybe we can appeal.
(たぶん、控訴出来るよ。)Alt-text: The worst is when you run out of monospaced fonts and have to use variable-width variables.