Doppler Effect(ドップラー効果)
先生: The more distant a galaxy is, the redder its light.
先生: Why? Well, that's an interesting question.
先生: Ever notice how, when a siren is approaching, it sounds like Bweeeeeeeeee...
先生: ...but then it zooms past you and goes Nyeeeeooooowww?
先生: And sometimes they hit a button that makes it go Pyeew! Pyeew! really loud?
先生: And in Europe they go Ooooeeeeooooeeee...
欄外の声: So why are galaxies red?
先生: Oh, no idea.
先生: とにかく、私が気に入っているもうひとつのサイレンは...。
(Anyway, another siren I like is...)
Alt-text: The Doppler effect is a mysterious wavelength-shifting phenomenon which seems to primarily affect sirens, which is why the emoji is red.