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Earth - 地球



カール: Look again at that dot. That's home. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives...

カール: On a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

欄外の声: We know, Carl.

Carl Sagan was not making us feel better about how badly he'd messed up the low Earth orbit reentry burn.

Alt-text: Just think of all the countless petty squabbles and misunderstandings, of all the fervent hatreds, over so insignificant a thing as the direction and duration of a rocket engine firing.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

Supergroup - スーパーグループ



Playing Tonight

The New Supergroup:
176 Pilots, Seconds of Summer, Non Blondes, Live Crew, gecs, Doors Down, Inch Nails, Republic, Direction, and Seconds to Mars

Alt-text: I love their cover of 1,200 Balloons, Dalmatians, and Miles.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

Physics vs. Magic - 物理学と魔法


Physics vs. Magic(物理学と魔法)

先生: Physics and magic are different in a very deep way.

先生: Physics works by describing the forces that act on a system.
先生: To predict outcomes, we progressively apply those forces over time.

先生: Magic specifies the outcome, but not the intermediate events.
先生: "Ere the clock strikes twelve, you are cursed to slay your brother" is magic, not science.

先生: ... And that's how we know thermodynamics is magic.
先生: Conservation laws are, too.
生徒: What about Lagrangians?
先生: Deep magic. Speak not of them here.

Alt-text: 'At the stroke of midnight, your brother will be hurtling sideways at an altitude of 150 meters' is a regular physics prediction about your nonmagical trebuchet, whereas 'you are cursed to build a brother-launching trebuchet' falls out of the Lagrangian.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

Earth/Venus Venn Diagram - 火星/金星のベン図


Earth/Venus Venn Diagram(火星/金星のベン図)

Earth/Venus Venn Diagram(火星/金星のベン図)


Shock-waves and production of impact ejecta


Alt-text: Actually, the fact that Mars is still orbiting safely over here means that it was technically an *Euler* apocalypse, not a Venn one.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

Ice Core - 氷床コア


Ice Core(氷床コア)

女: Next, we'll identify the ice core layer matching your birth year. Do you have the shaker ready?

Making the traditional paleoclimatologist cocktail

Alt-text: If you find an ash deposition layer from a year in which an eruption destroyed an island that had Camellia sinensis growing on it, you can make a Gone Island Ice_τ.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。