Geographic Qualifiers - 地理的修飾子
Geographic Qualifiers(地理的修飾子)
左の人: At over 40 feet, it's the tallest statue of a skateboarding squirrel in the Northern Hemisphere.
(40フィート以上ある、これが北半球で最も高いリスのスケートボード像だ。)右の人(考え中): ...Wait, who in the heck...Brazil? South Africa? Australia? Squirrels aren't even native there...
(...待てよ、一体誰なんだ...ブラジル?南アフリカ?オーストラリアか?リスは原産でもないし...。)I love the instant mystery created by qualifiers like "east of the Mississippi" or "in the Northern Hemisphere."
(「ミシシッピの東」とか「北半球」とかいう修飾語が瞬時に生み出すミステリーが大好きだ。)Alt-text: 'Thank you for the loveliest evening I've ever had...' [normal] '...east of the Mississippi.' [instant intrigue!]