Fluid Speech - 流暢な発話
Fluid Speech(流暢な発話)
Fun fact: Experienced speakers constantly merge, drop, and alter sounds when talking at normal conversational speed to optimize for efficient mouth movement.
(おもしろ事実:経験豊富な話し手は、効率的な口の動きを最適化するために、通常の会話スピードで話すとき、常に音を組み合わせたり、落としたり、変えたりしている。)How fluent speakers actually say it when speaking rapidly
(流暢な話し手は、実際に速く話すときにどのように言うのか?)If you think you don't do this, try to use "hot potato" in a sentence and fully pronounce the first "t" without sounding like an alien impersonating a human.
(もしこれをやっていなかったら、文中で「hot potato」を使って、人間になりすましたエイリアンのように聞こえないように、最初の「t」を完全に発音してみて。)Alt-text: Thank you to linguist Gretchen McCulloch for teaching me about phonetic assimilation, and for teaching me that if you stand around in public reading texts from a linguist and murmuring example phrases to yourself, people will eventually ask if you're okay.