Types of Eclipse Photo - 日食写真の種類
Types of Eclipse Photo(日食写真の種類)
Types of Eclipse Photo(日食写真の種類)
The standard(通常)
The partial(部分的)
The reaction shot(リアクションの写真)
The fancy lens(幻想的なレンズ)
The focus issues(焦点の問題あり)
The traffic jam(交通渋滞)
The astronaut(宇宙飛行士)
The "frustratedly looking up the cloud situation in Australia for 2028"
(2028年のオーストラリアの雲の状況をいらいらしながら調べる)Alt-text: The most rare, top-tier eclipse photo would be the Solar Earth Eclipse, but the Apollo 12 crew's attempt to capture it was marred by camera shake. They said it looked spectacular, though.