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arXiv - アーカイブの存在意義



女(黒髪): Wait, all the papers in your field are posted as free PDFs on ArXiv? That must be killing big science journals, since they charge such huge subscription/publication fees.
ポニーテール: Nah, we've been doing it since the 90s and nobody seems to care.
女(黒髪): That makes no sense at all!!
ポニーテール: Shhh, you'll jinx it!

Alt-text: Both arXiv and are invaluable projects which, if they didn't exist, we would dismiss as obviously ridiculous and unworkable.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2018年) です。

FDR - フランクリン・デラノ・ルーズベルトの演説の呪い



Randall Munroe(ランダル・マンロー)

Dec 7, 194 12, 2018(1942018年12月712日)

United States(アメリカ合衆国)

FDR was so good at speeches that I spend a whole month each year writing the date wrong.

Alt-text: June 21st, 365, the date of the big Mediterranean earthquake and tsunami, lived in infamy for a few centuries before fading. Maybe the trick is a catchy rhyme; the '5th of November' thing is still going strong over 400 years later.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2018年) です。

Laptop Issues - 問題だらけのノートパソコン


Laptop Issues(ノートパソコン問題)

欄外の声1: Oh no.
欄外の声2: What?
欄外の声1: This guy. He has the worst tech problems.
[Tech Support]

男(髪なし): My laptop's battery won't hold a charge.
男(髪あり): We can replace it.
男(髪なし): Tried that. Now the new ones won't either.

男(髪なし): Also, random files get corrupted on the first day of every month. Factory reset didn't help.
欄外の声2: You weren't kidding.

男(髪なし): When it's plugged in, I get static shocks from my plumbing.
欄外の声: What the...
男(髪なし): And it reboots if someone uses an arc welder nearby.

男(髪なし): Transitions® lenses go dark when exposed to the screen, and when I open too many tabs, it fogs nearby photographic film.
男(髪あり): We don't usually do this, but I've gotten permission from my manager to have you and the laptop hurled into the ocean.
男(髪あり): That's probably for the best.

Alt-text: Hang on, we got a call from the feds. They say we can do whatever with him, but the EPA doesn't want that laptop in the ocean. They're sending a team.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2018年) です。

Mercator Projection - 「メルカトル図法の真実」の間違った利用法


Mercator Projection(メルカトル図法)

男: Did you know Canada is actually a smallish island in Lake Ontario?
白ハット: What?

男: Yeah, it only appears to have a land border with the U.S. due to the Mercator Projection.
White Hat: Wow! I had no idea.

At this point people feel so misled by the Mercator Projection that you can use it to convince them of basically any map fact.

Alt-text: The other great lakes are just water on the far side of Canada Island. If you drive north from the Pacific northwest you actually cross directly into Alaska, although a few officials --confused by the Mercator distortion-- have put up border signs.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2018年) です。

Middle Latitudes - 中緯度は最悪


Middle Latitudes(中緯度)

男: It would be nice if the sun could rise and set at normal times. But it would also be cool to experience 24-hour darkness for weeks on end.

女: Well, what if we split the difference, so all winter everything was normal but slightly more dim and bleak?

男: Perfect!

Middle latitudes are the worst

Title text: Snowy blizzards are fun, but so are warm sunny beaches, so we split the difference by having lots of icy wet slush!


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2018年) です。