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Update Your Address - 住所録は更新されない


Update Your Address(住所の更新)

電話からの声: Do you still live at 342 River St?
男: No, I moved last year.

モヒカン: Is 21 Ash Tree Lane still a good address?
男: What? That's my childhood home. How is that even in your system?

電話の声: The address we have is 205 Second St #2.
Cueball: I... think that's where my parents lived before I was born!?

Ponytail: Are you still living in... "The Austro-Hungarian Empire?"
Cueball: You know what, sure.
Ponytail: Austria-Hungary dissolved in 1918.
Cueball: Well, I come from a long line of people who hate updating stuff.

Alt-text: This is my four-digit PIN. It was passed down to me by my father, and someday I will pass it on to you. Unless we figure out how to update it, but that sounds complicated.
 (これは4桁の暗証番号。父から私に伝えられ、いつの日か、私はこれを君に伝える。 それを更新する方法を僕らが見つけない限り。でも、それは複雑に思える。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2018年) です。

Airplanes and Spaceships - 宇宙船はもう古い乗り物


Airplanes and Spaceships(飛行機と宇宙船)

December 17, 1903
First human airplane flight

April 12, 1961
First human spaceflight


57 years 4 months(57年4ヶ月)

57 years 7 months(57年7ヶ月)

Spaceships are now older than airplanes were when we flew our first spaceships.

Alt-text: Despite having now taken three months longer than the airplane people, we're making disappointingly little progress toward the obvious next stage of vehicle: The Unobtanium-hulled tunneling ship from the 2003 film 'The Core.'


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2018年) です。

Kilogram - 強引すぎるキログラム定義



黒ハット: To end many years of confusion, the International Committee for Weights and Measures has just voted to redefine the kilogram.
黒ハット: As of next May, it will equal exactly one pound.
ポニーテール: Oh, cool.
男: That does make things simpler.
女: No!!

Alt-text: I'm glad to hear they're finally redefining the meter to be exactly three feet.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2018年) です。

Evaluating Tech Things - 変な技術モノの評価


Evaluating Tech Things(技術モノの評価)

女: Sooner or later, someone is going to fly a drone into a tornado and post the footage to YouTube.

This raises big questions about technology and society

Haha, cool!

男: Haha, cool!

Alt-text: Also known as the Black Mirror-Mythbusters scale.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2018年) です。

Indirect Detection - SNSの間接的悪口発覚


Indirect Detection(間接的発覚)

Everyone on here needs to stop laughing about how "adopting pets from a shelter is for losers" and "those animals should all be hunted for sport instead." It's reprehensible on so many levels! First of all...

Sometimes, one of my friends posts an angry response to some terrible opinion I've never heard before, and it's a weird indirect way to learn how awful their other friends must be.

Title text: I'm like a prisoner in Plato's Cave, seeing only the shade you throw on the wall.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2018年) です。