Update Your Address - 住所録は更新されない
Update Your Address(住所の更新)
電話からの声: Do you still live at 342 River St?
男: No, I moved last year.
(いや、去年引っ越したよ。)モヒカン: Is 21 Ash Tree Lane still a good address?
男: What? That's my childhood home. How is that even in your system?
(え?それは子供の時の住所だ。そのシステムはどうなってるんだ?)電話の声: The address we have is 205 Second St #2.
Cueball: I... think that's where my parents lived before I was born!?
(それって...、僕が生まれる前、両親が住んでいた場所だと思う。)Ponytail: Are you still living in... "The Austro-Hungarian Empire?"
Alt-text: This is my four-digit PIN. It was passed down to me by my father, and someday I will pass it on to you. Unless we figure out how to update it, but that sounds complicated.
Cueball: You know what, sure.
Ponytail: Austria-Hungary dissolved in 1918.
Cueball: Well, I come from a long line of people who hate updating stuff.
(これは4桁の暗証番号。父から私に伝えられ、いつの日か、私はこれを君に伝える。 それを更新する方法を僕らが見つけない限り。でも、それは複雑に思える。)