Three Kinds of Research - 3種類の研究
Three Kinds of Research(3種類の研究)
The Three Kinds of Scientific Research:
(3種類の科学研究:)男1: We applied a standard theory to novel circumstances and got some surprising results.
(標準理論を新しい状況に適用したところ、驚くべき結果が得られた。)女: We applied a novel theory to standard circumstances and got some intriguing results.
(新しい理論を標準的な状況に適用したところ、興味深い結果が得られた。)男2: Finally, a map of every tree.
(ついに、すべての木の地図ができた。)Alt-text: The secret fourth kind is 'we applied a standard theory to their map of every tree and got some suspicious results.'