Helium Synthesis - ヘリウム合成
Helium Synthesis(ヘリウム合成)
男(髪あり): These helium shortages every few years are such a pain.
男(髪あり): Our company needs a reliable source of helium.
(わが社には信頼できるヘリウムの供給源が必要です。)女: Where does helium come from, anyway?
男: Hmm, apparently most of it is from "big bang nucleosynthesis"?
(うーん、どうやらそのほとんどは「ビッグバン元素合成」によるものらしいよ?)男(髪あり): Well, let's figure out how to do that.
"Big Bang Nucleosynthesis,"
(「ビッグバン元素合成」)[14 billion years leter]
(140憶年後)男(髪あり): These helium shortages every few years are such a pain.
男(髪あり): Our company needs a reliable source of helium.
(わが社には信頼できるヘリウムの供給源が必要です。)Alt-text: Our lawyers were worried because it turns out the company inherits its debt from the parent universe, but luckily cosmic inflation reduced it to nearly zero.