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Cold Air - 冷たい空気


Cold Air(冷たい空気)

男: Tornado supercells are powered by the inflow of warm, moist surface air.
男: Compressed air tanks could produce artificial pools of cold, dry air on demand, disrupting tornado inflow to protect cities.

Several years later:(数年後:)

男: In retrospect, I can see how my plan went wrong.

[Wind Damage over Time]
[Giant experimental compressed air tanks installed in the middle of every major city]

Alt-text: We also should really have checked that the old water tower was disconnected from the water system before we started filling it with compressed air.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

D&D Combinatorics(D&Dの組み合わせ)


D&D Combinatorics(D&Dの組み合わせ)

男: I grab 2 of the 10 arrows without looking and fire them, hoping I didn't grab one of the 5 cursed ones. Did I?
ポニーテール: Sigh. Umm. Okay.
ポニーテール: Roll... Uh... Hang on...
 (振って... えっと...ちょっと待って...)
ポニーテール: Roll 3d6 and a d4. You need... 16 or better to avoid the cursed arrows.
 (3d6とd4を振って。 必要なのは... 呪われた矢を避けるには16本以上必要よ。)

I got way more annoying to play D&D with once I learned that our DM has a combinatorics degree and can't resist puzzles.

Alt-text: Look, you can't complain about this after giving us so many scenarios involving N locked chests and M unlabeled keys.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

Arizona Chess - アリゾナチェス



rizona Chess(アリゾナチェス)

白ハット: It's late, I'm up a pawn, and you're out of time. It's over.
 (もう遅いし、私はポーンを取ったし、君には時間がない。 もう終わりだな。)
男: Ah, you're forgetting something.

男: Did you know this building straddles the Arizona border?
男: It actually runs right through the table. You're on the Arizona side.

男: This tournament started Saturday, November 2nd. Now it's almost 2AM on the 3rd.
男: And there's something you should know about Arizona.

チェス時計: BEEP

白ハット: What?! No! That's not how... No!!
 (え? そんな..! そんな... 違う!)
男: Looks like it's daylight slaying time.
 (どうやら日中殺時間(夏時間「daylight saving time」のダジャレ)のようだ。)

Alt-text: Sometimes, you have to sacrifice pieces to gain the advantage. Sometimes, to advance ... you have to fall back.
 (時には、優位に立つために駒を犠牲にしなければならない。 前進するためには......後退しなければならないこともある。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

Kedging Cannon - ケッジキャノン


Kedging Cannon(ケッジキャノン)

船長: I hope someday someone invents a way to sail upwind.
船長: Using the kedging cannon just wastes so much gunpowder.

男: The what?
男: Wait, do you not know how to sail upwind? Is that why your ship takes forever to--
 (待って、風上に向かって航行する方法を知らないの? だから君たちの船はいつまでも...)

船長: Stand by...FIRE!


SFX: Click click click

Alt-text: The real key was inventing the windmill-powered winch.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

The Future of Orion - オリオン座の将来


The Future of Orion(オリオン座の将来)

[Orion Today:](今日のオリオン座:)
[Predicted Changes:](予想される変更:)

Star movement
Star Death (Betelgeuse)

[Orion in the future:](将来のオリオン座)

Suggested lines

Alt-text: Dinosaur Cosmics


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。