Cold Air - 冷たい空気
Cold Air(冷たい空気)
男: Tornado supercells are powered by the inflow of warm, moist surface air.
男: Compressed air tanks could produce artificial pools of cold, dry air on demand, disrupting tornado inflow to protect cities.
(圧縮空気のタンクは、必要に応じて冷たく乾燥した空気の人工プールを作り出し、竜巻の流入を妨げて都市を守ることができる。)Several years later:(数年後:)
男: In retrospect, I can see how my plan went wrong.
(振り返ってみると、僕の計画がいかに間違っていたかがわかるな。)[Wind Damage over Time]
[Giant experimental compressed air tanks installed in the middle of every major city]
([大都市のど真ん中に設置された巨大な実験用圧縮空気タンク])Alt-text: We also should really have checked that the old water tower was disconnected from the water system before we started filling it with compressed air.