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Demons - 悪魔たち



左の悪魔: What's our plan for the souls today? Boil them in oil?
真ん中の悪魔: We could cast them into the flame pit.
右の悪魔: What if we set up two rooms with a door in between, but- get this- we only let them go through it one way!

Maxwell's Demon had trouble fitting in with the others.

Alt-text: Though they do appreciate how much he improved the heating system for the flame pit.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

Disposal - 廃棄



Our rockets were good at steering, but we couldn't get them to land without exploding, so we just dug a rocket disposal hole.

Alt-text: We were disappointed that the rocket didn't make a THOOOONK noise when it went into the tube, but we're setting up big loudspeakers for future launches to add the sound effect.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

Wells - 井戸



女: I need water, so I think I'll dig a deep hole and drink whatever liquid I find at the bottom.
男: What will you do after you drink it all? Dig another hole?
 (飲み干したらどうする? また穴を掘るのか?)
女: I dunno. Hopefully it magically refills itself or something.
 (分からない。 魔法みたいに勝手に補充されることを祈るよ。)

It's ridiculous that wells work.

Alt-text: You do have to be careful, though--sometimes, instead of water, you hit this free fuel that you can sell for a lot of money instead.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

Sandwich Helix - サンドウィッチヘリックス


Sandwich Helix(サンドウィッチヘリックス)

男: Always remember the #1 rule of communication:
男: Sandwich Helix.
ポニーテール: What does that mean?
男: Unfortunately, the context has been lost.
男: But we know the message, and that's the important part.

Alt-text: The number one rule of string manipulation is that you’ve got to specify your encodings.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

RNAWorld - RNAワールド



ポニーテール: Okay, kids, now that Ariel is done collecting nucleotides for Ratatouille's primordial soup, let's go watch Elsa initiate runaway ribozyme synthesis!

Disney's RNAWorld

Alt-text: Disney lore: Canonically, because of how Elsa's abiogenesis powers work, Olaf is an RNA-only organism.
 (ディズニーの伝承: 正統的には、エルサの自然発生能力の仕組みから、オラフはRNAのみの生物である。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。