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Log Cabin - ログキャビン


Log Cabin(ログキャビン)

Log Cabin

Alt-text: I'm sure the building inspectors will approve my design once they finally manage to escape.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

Relationship Advice - 人間関係のアドバイス


Relationship Advice(人間関係のアドバイス)

白ハット: What you have to remember is, relationships aren't easy.
ポニーテール: Yeah, fair.

白ハット: They're hard. They require constant work.
白ハット: A relationship is a job.
欄外の声: I guess...
白ハット: It's a challenge that feels overwhelming. It's a crushing burden.
男: Umm.

白ハット: A relationship is a grueling ordeal.
男: ...Who are you trying to convince, exactly?
ポニーテール: Yeah, are you okay?
白ハット: I'm fine! This is normal!

Alt-text: Good to be a little wary of advice that sounds too much like a self pep talk.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

Greenhouse Effect - 温室効果


Greenhouse Effect(温室効果)


James Watt develops a steam engine that helps kick off the Industrial Revolution

120 years(120年間)


Arvid Högbom and Svante Arrhenius note that industrial activity is adding CO2 to the atmosphere, and calculate how much the Earth will heat up if the CO2 concentration doubles. Their answer closely matches modern estimates.
 (Arvid HögbomとSvante Arrheniusは、産業活動によって大気中にCO2が増加していることに注目し、CO2濃度が2倍になった場合、地球がどれだけ熱くなるかを計算した。彼らの答えは、現代の推定値とほぼ一致している。)

128 years(128年間)


We figured out the greenhouse effect closer to the start of the Industrial Revolution than to today.

Alt-text: Once he had the answer, Arrhenius complained to his friends that he'd "wasted over a full year" doing tedious calculations by hand about "so trifling a matter" as hypothetical CO2 concentrations in far-off eras (quoted in Crawford, 1997).
 (いったん答えが出ると、アレニウスは友人たちに、はるか遠い時代の仮想的なCO2濃度のような「ささいな問題」"について、退屈な手計算をして "丸1年以上も無駄にしてしまった "と愚痴をこぼした(Crawford, 1997より引用)。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

US Survey Foot - 米国測定フィート


US Survey Foot(米国測定フィート)

男: We thought it was over. After 60 years of struggle, the US survey foot was dead, deprecated by NIST in 2023.

男: We thought architects and engineers could rest east, free of the headaches of having two conflicting definitions of the foot that differ by 610 nanometers.
International foot: 0.304 800 000 m
US survey foot(R.I.P.): 0.304 800 609... m
男: But I bring dire news:
男: Someone has started using the US survey foot again.

欄外の声: Why!?
男: We don't know.
男: Some people just want to drag the world 610nm closer to madness.

欄外の声: What can we do!?
男: A NIST team is already in the air. We will capture the scofflaw and end this nightmare.

8,000 miles away

工作員: We've reached the coordinates of the target's device. There's no one here.
無線: How!?

8,000.016 miles away

黒ハット: ♫ ♪

Alt-text: Subway refuses to answer my questions about whether it's an International Footlong or a US Survey Footlong. A milligram of sandwich is at stake!


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

Minnesota - ミネソタ



男1: Does anyone have any other concerns?
男2: I'm concerned that Minnesota is getting shorter.

男2: Because of post-glacial crust rebound, the northern border is moving toward the southern border. It's less than an inch a decade, but I still don't like it.
男2: Minnesota shouldn't be squishy.

男1: Okay. Does anyone have any concerns related to the topic of this meeting?
男2: All meetings should be about Minnesota until we resolve this.

Alt-text: In addition to 'squishy', after reviewing my submitted intraplate ground motion data, the National Geodetic Survey has politely asked me to stop using the word 'supple' so often when describing Midwestern states.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。