Eventual Consistency - 結果整合性
Eventual Consistency(結果整合性)
ノートPC: I know it's hard to focus right now, but we should try to finish testing the DB.
男: Ughhhh.
男: Okay.
ノートPC: The system needs to guarantee eventual consistency.
男: I mean, it does.
男: Eventual consistency is guaranteed by the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
男: Sooner or later this will all be a uniform heat bath.
男: Maximum entropy.
ノートPC: Maximum entropy means no useful work can be done!
(エントロピーが最大になると 有用な仕事ができなくなる!)
男: I'm getting a head start by doing no useful work now.
(今は、有用な仕事をしてないので、順調に進んでいるさ。)Alt-text: Later I'm going to get a head start on the heat bath.