Coronavirus Polling - コロナウイルスの世論調査
Coronavirus Polling(コロナウイルスの世論調査)
It's hard to get people to agree on anything in polls.
But we agree about the coronavirus.
Here's how Americans feel about COVID-19, along with other topics that get similar levels of agreement for comparison.
(ここでは、アメリカ人がCOVID-19についてどのように感じているかを比較のため、同様のレベルの合意を得ている他のトピックとともに示す。)Compiled with help from HuffPost polling editor Ariel Edwards-Levy. Sources:
(ハフポスト世論調査編集者、アリエル・エドワーズ=レヴィの協力を得て作成。ソース。 coronavirus polls
(最近のコロナウイルスの世論調査)86% say "stay-at-home orders are responsible government policies that are saving lives" rather than "an over-reaction" (ABC/Ipsos)
85% oppose reopening schools (NPR/Marist)
91% oppose resuming big sporting events (NPR/M.)
85% trust local health officials and health care workers (Axios/Ipsos)
93% are trying to maintain 6-foot distances while in public (Axios/Ipsos)
81% say Americans should continue to social distance for as long as is needed to stop the Coronavirus even if it means continued damage to the economy (Politico/Morning Consult)
(81%のアメリカ人は、コロナウイルスを止めるために必要な限り、たとえそれが経済への継続的なダメージを意味するとしても、社会的距離を保つべきだと答えている)Other polls
(他の世論調査)81% enjoy apple pie (HuffPost/YouGov)
76% feel positively about kittens (HuffPost/YouGov)
84% have a favorable impression of Tom Hanks (Ipsos 2018)
89% say fair elections are important to democracy (Pew)
86% feel positively toward Betty White (Ipsos 2011)
86% do not trust Kim Jong-Un to do the right thing (Pew 2019)
64% are concerned about the emergence of "murder hornets" (YouGov)
(64%が「殺人スズメバチ」の出現を懸念)Alt-text: If you want to see the polling questions we agree on MOST, you can check out Chapter 24 of my book How To, where I got the Roper Center on Public Opinion Research to help me design the world's least electable political campaign platform.
(僕らが最も同意する世論調査の質問を見たい場合は、僕の著書「How To」の第24章をチェックしてみて。世論調査でローパー世論調査センターを利用して、世界で最も選挙で選ばれづらい選挙キャンペーンプラットフォームを設計するの手伝ってもらった。)