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Endorheic Basin - 内陸流域


Endorheic Basin(内陸流域)

女: Why are your feet wet?
ベレー帽: I'm an endorheic basin!

女: Huh?
ベレー帽: Nearby water flows toward me, not the ocean.
ベレー帽: See?
女: Oh, cool.
The most annoying part is drying off after a shower.

ベレー帽: Can someone bring me the siphon?

ベレー帽: But I have to get rid of it or I'll develop salt flats.
ベレー帽: Anyway, let me know if you need any minerals!

Alt-text: My biggest fear is that colonial engineers will try to flood me to generate electricity. My biggest hope is that I'll develop sailing stones.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。

xkcd: Old Days 2 - 過ぎ去りし日2


Old Days 2(過ぎ去りし日2)

男: What was the Internet like in the olden days, for a developer?
女: Oh, things were very different.
女: The cloud was a lot smaller. It was called a "mainframe" and it was near Sacramento.
女: It was on the state landline, so the whole industry paused when the governor had to make a phone call.

女: There was no memory protection. If you wanted to write to an address, you would call around to ask whether anyone else was using it.
女: Often Bill Gates would say he was, even when he wasn't. That's how Microsoft got its early foothold.
男: Wow.

女: "Git" was originally a van that circled around gathering data tapes to copy and distribute. We all took turns driving it.
女: When you saw it coming you'd blow an air horn to request that it pull over.
女: That's where "pull request" came from.
男: Oh, neat!
女: Before terminals, we all used punch cards, which were originally developed to control looms.
女: Early mainframes would produce a sweater each time you ran your code.
女: Eventually we got them to stop. We had enough sweaters.

Alt-text: The git vehicle fleet eventually pivoted to selling ice cream, but some holdovers remain. If you flag down an ice cream truck and hand the driver a floppy disk, a few hours later you'll get an invite to a git repo.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。

Modeling Study - モデリング研究


Modeling Study(モデリング研究)

Empirical Study(実証研究)

Modelling Study(モデリング研究)

A mathematical model is a powerful tool for taking hard problems and moving them to the methods section.

Alt-text: You've got questions, we've got assumptions.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。

ISO Paper Size Golden Spiral - ISO用紙サイズの黄金スパイラル


ISO Paper Size Golden Spiral(ISO用紙サイズの黄金スパイラル)

The golden ratio is everywhere!

How to annoy both graphic designers and mathematicians

Alt-text: The ISO 216 standard ratio is cos(45°), but American letter paper is 8.5x11 because it uses radians, and 11/8.5 = pi/4.
 (ISO 216標準比率はcos(45°)だが、ラジアンを使用しているためアメリカのレターペーパーは8.5x11であり、11/8.5 = pi/4である。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。

Low-Background Metal - 低バックグラウンドメタル


Low-Background Metal(低バックグランドメタル)

女: Our time machine works.
女: But we're almost out of low-background metal.
男: What's that?

女: Modern metal is contaminated by fallout from nuclear testing, and lead also has natural radioactivity that fades over time.
女: To shield sensitive equipment, physicists use lead from sunken Roman ships.
女: But shipwreck lead is hard to find.

黒ハット: How much do we have?
女: Enough for one trip through time.
黒ハット: Hmmm...

Alt-text: The only effect on the history books were a few confusing accounts of something called 'Greek fire.'


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。