Great Attractor - グレート・アトラクター
Great Attractor(グレート・アトラクター)
男: I can't believe it's still light out. It's 8:00 PM!
ベレー帽: Seriously! This morning I fell off the wall.
(マジで!今日の朝、壁から落ちた。)男: Wait, why were you sleeping on the wall?
ベレー帽: The Great Attractor is near the horizon at night right now.
男: The Great Attractor?
ベレー帽: Yeah! The space one.
ベレー帽: It pulls on me extra hard. Doctors said it's something to do with galactic motion and how many dimensions my bones have.
(それが強く引っ張るんだ。医者が言うには、銀河の動きと自分の骨が次元をいくつ持っているかに関係するらしい。)ベレー帽: This time of year, it's below us all day, so I stand vertically. But day-sliding season is near!
ベレー帽: Let me know if you have any errands to run to the south!
(南に用事があったら教えてくれよ!)ベレー帽: Goodniiighttt
(おーやーすーみー)Alt-text: Living in the southern hemisphere was nice because I could jump extra high, but I like it here too. Besides, if I ever want to move back, I can just curl up in a ball and wait!