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ニュースキャスター: Fear turned to confusion today as hurricane Rina developed to Piaget Stage 5, with sustained interests in objects and their properties.
Alt-text: Funding was quickly restored to the NHC and the APA was taken back off hurricane forecast duty.

©xkcd.com Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License
女: Whoa. What's this?
男: What's what?
女: This trees has a USB port.
男: Try connecting to it, I guess.
女: It's offering up a drive with one file on it.
男: What's the file?
女: An eBook. "shel_silverstein_~_The_Giving_tree.azw"
男: Never heard of it. Let's the a look!
中身: DRM error: you have not purchased rights to view this title.
Lending is not enabled.
男: Huh, oh well.
女: Let's go see what Mike is up to.
Alt-text: In the new edition of The Giving Tree, the tree uses social tools to share with its friend all the best places to buy things.

©xkcd.com Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License
女: Did you see the neutrino speed of light thing?
男: Yup! Good news; I need the cash.
女: Huh? cash?
[Yeah. When there's a news story about a study overturning all of physics, I used to urge caution, remind people that experts aren't all stupid, and end up in pointless arguments about Galileo.]
男: No, this isn't about whether relativity exists. if it didn't, your GPS wouldn't work.
What do you mean, "science thought police"? Have you seen our budget? We couldn't begin to afford our own thought police.
女: That sounds miserable and unfulfiling.
男: Yup. So I gave up, and now I just find excited believers and bet them $200 each that the new result won't pan out.
女: That's mean.
男: It provides a good income, and if I'm ever wrong, I'll be too excited about the new physics to notice the loss.
Alt-text: I can't speak to the paper's scientific merits, but it's really cool how on page 10 you can see that their reference GPS beacon is sensitive enough to pick up continential drift under the detector (interrupted halfway through by an earthquake).
(僕は、新聞記事の科学的なメリットを話す事は出来ません。でも、その探知器(地震により、途中で中断された)の下で漂う大陸に十分気付く程、彼らの使用したGPS ビーコンの感度がと言うことを君がこの10ページの中でどんなふうに見るかは興味深いです。)

©xkcd.com Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License
Stud Finder(スタッド・ファインダー)
男: Have you seen my stud finder? I've looked everywhere.
黒ハット: It sounds like you may be interested in my new product, a-
男: Shut up.
Alt-text: According to every stud finder I've tried to use, my walls contain a rapidly shifting network of hundreds and hundreds of studs.

©xkcd.com Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License
女: Why are you going here?
Gas is ten cents a gallon cheaper at the station five minutes that way.
男: Because a penny saved is a penny earned.
[If you spend nine minutes of your time to save a dollar, you're working for less than minimum wage.]
Alt-text: And if you drive a typical car more than a mile out of your way for each penny you save on the per-gallon price, it doesn't matter how worthless your time is to you--the gas to get you there and back costs more than you save.