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1921 Fact Checker - 1921年のファクトチェッカー


1921 Fact Checker(1921年のファクトチェッカー)

An investigator claims to have discovered in some dusty archives that back in the days when the pilgrims landed each person coming to America from England was required to bring with them eight bushels of corn meal, two bushels of oatmeal, two gallons of vinegar and a gallon each of oil and brandy.

In view of the fact that nothing of importance hinges on the truth or falsity of this statement, not much time need be consumed to ascertain whether this is truth or fiction.

--Kansas City Sun

Friday, May 6th, 1921

I have a grudging respect for this 1921 newspaper fact-checker.



 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

New Robot - 救助ロボット多すぎ問題


New Robot(新しいロボット)

ポニーテール: Our robot floats using a helium sphere, which is highly charged and can induce lightning strikes.
ポニーテール: It moves using a grappling gun like the hook shot from Zelda.
欄外の声: What is the robot for?
ポニーテール: Uh
ポニーテール: It could help with search and rescue after disasters.

"It could help with search and rescue" is engineer-speak for "we just realized we need a justification for our cool robot."

Alt-text: "Some worry that we'll soon have a surplus of search and rescue robots, compared to the number of actual people in situations requiring search and rescue. That's where our other robot project comes in..."


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Panama Canal - パナマ運河の新提案


Panama Canal(パナマ運河)

Atlantic-Pacific option
Arctic-Antarctic option

I still don't understand why the Panama Canal planners rejected my proposal.

Alt-text: Once they selected the other proposal, we could have kept shopping ours around, but we would had to modify it include an aqueduct over their canal, which would be totally unreasonable.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Google Trends Maps - 最も無益なGoogleトレンドマップ


Google Trends Maps(Googleトレンドマップ)

The least informative
Google Trends Maps
I've created over the years
(All are real but not all cover the same date range)

[青] Frostbite
[赤] Heat stroke

[青] Best church
[赤] Best strip club

[青] Bigfoot
[赤] Mike Pence

[青] Etiquette
[赤] Sexting

[青] Little dog
[赤] Big cat

[青] Shark attack
[赤] Childbirth

[青] Snakes
[赤] Ants
[黄色] Bees
[緑] Alligators

[青] Retirement planning
[赤] Bungee jumping

[青] Super Bowl
[赤] Funeral home

[青] Resume tips
[赤] Skateboard tricks

[青] Donald Trump
[赤] What do I do

[青] Existential crisis
[赤] Marco Rubio

Alt-text: It's early 2020. The entire country is gripped with Marco Rubio fever except for Alaska, which is freaking out. You're frantically studying up on etiquette and/or sexting.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Luna 2 - ルナ2号


Luna 2(ルナ2号)

女: Huh. Luna 2, the first artificial object to touch another world, carried a sphere made of steel Soviet flag emblems.

It was designed to blow apart on impact, scattering tiny metal flags and ribbons across the surface of the moon.
男: So the first physical contact humans had with a heavenly body...
女: ...was throwing a shrapnel grenade full of flags at it.
男: Well, it's on-brand for us, at least.

Alt-text: The flags were probably vaporized on impact, because we launched it before we had finished figuring out how to land. That makes sense from an engineering standpoint, but also feels like a metaphor.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。