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Invisible Formatting - 空白のボールド化


Invisible Formatting(目に見えないフォーマット)

When editing text, in the back of my mind I always worry that I'm adding invisible formatting that will somehow cause a problem in the distant future.

Alt-text: To avoid errors like this, we render all text and pipe it through OCR before processing, fixing a handful of irregular bugs by burying them beneath a smooth, uniform layer of bugs.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Carbonated Beverage Language Map - 地域別、炭酸飲料の呼び方


Carbonated Beverage Language Map(炭酸飲料言語マップ)

Regional terms for carbonated beverages

Title text: There's one person in Missouri who says "carbo bev" who the entire rest of the country HATES.
 (ミズーリ州には、その一人の人以外国全体が全員嫌いな「carb bev」と言う人がいる。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Launch Risk - これってなぐさめになってる?


Launch Risk(打ち上げのリスク)

乗組員1: How you feeling?
乗組員2: Honestly, pretty nervous.
乗組員1: I know it seems dangerous, but just remember: you're more likely to be struck by lightning than to be selected to become an astronaut.
乗組員2: Oh that's a good-
乗組員2: ...Wait.

T-Minus 20...19...
 (Tマイナス 20...19...)

Alt-text: Don't worry--you're less likely to die from a space launch than from a shark attack. The survival rate is pretty high for both!


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Sharing Options - 2択の共有オプション


Sharing Options(共有オプション)

画面: Welcome to social media! When you put stuff here, you have two options: (1) You can make it available to a small set of 300 or so approved friends.

画面: Or (2) you can share permanent copies of it all with billions of people, including internet scammers, random predatory companies, and hostile governments.

男: Why would anyone pick option two?
画面: Two is the default.
男: Yikes.

男: So those are the only two options? There's nothing in in between?
画面: I don't understand. Like what?

男: I mean...there are numbers between 300 and a billion.
画面: Huh? Name one.
画面: Pretty sure I would have heard of those.

Alt-text: How about posts that are public, but every time a company accesses a bunch of them, the API makes their CEO's account click 'like' on one of them at random so you get a notification.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Modern OSI Model - 現代のOSI「統合化」モデル


Modern OSI Model(現代のOSI参照モデル)

Application (Facebook)
Google & Amazon
Data link

Title text: In retrospect, I shouldn't have used each layer of the OSI model as one of my horcruxes.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。