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Alternate Histories - アナザーストーリー内のアナザーストーリー


Alternate Histories(別の歴史)

女: In alternate history stories where the allies lost WWII, sometimes they have their own fiction with the premise "what if the allies had won?" which differs from our world since they'd be speculating and wouldn't predict everything.
男: Yeah, I think they do that in Man in the High Castle.

女: But within those stories, they should have "what if the allies had lost?" fiction which is even more removed from our world.
男: Uh oh.
女: So how deep does it go?
500 levels in:
女: In my alternate history, Scotland never develops hovercraft, so Canada's cybernetic horses defeat the Belgium-Madagascar-New Jersey alliance.
 (私の別の歴史だと、スコットランドはホバークラフトを開発していないので、カナダのサイバネティックスホースが、「ベルギー - マダガスカル - ニュージャージー」の同盟を打ち破る。)
男: Wow!

男: Then who becomes God-Emperor of Missouri, if not Laura Ingalls Wilder?
 (それで、Laura Ingalls Wilderじゃなかったら、誰がミズーリ州の神の皇帝になるの?)
女: Senator Truman!
男: He survives the accident?!
女: Yeah, the pajama craze never catches on, so he's wearing normal clothes when he walks by the printing press...

Alt-text: "So their universe wouldn't have the iconic photo of a screaming Truman being hoisted aloft by the newspaper-printing machinery..."


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Cubesat Launch - 宇宙探査に完全な安全はない


CubeSat Launch(キューブサットの打ち上げ)

男: A spot on a CubeSat launch costs a lot, but you can get a drone and a spool of fishing line for cheap.
男: Uh oh.

女: No no, watch.
女: This is gonna go great.

欄外(女): Perfect!

欄外: Should it be tilting already?
欄外: Hey, move your leg.
女: Ugh, let go, I can get-
男: -No, lift your other arm-

[Launch accident investigation board]

女: Listen.
女: Space exploration is never going to be completely safe.

Alt-text: Luckily, the damages were partly offset by the prize money we got from accidentally winning the nearby water skiing championship tournament.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

xkcd: Appendicitis - 虫垂炎



ポニーテール: Well, we zapped you with energy beams, and it looks like one of your stupid organs is a traitor.
男: ...which one?
ポニーテール: I dunno, appendix? Gallbladder? One of the little ones that sucks.
男: What should I do?
ポニーテール: You could quash the revolt with the ruthless deployment of chemical and biological weapons.
男: ...antibiotics?
ポニーテール: But certain victory comes only through the sword.
男: Surgery.
ポニーテール: While we're inside, we'll look around-if we see any signs of insurrection elsewhere, we will not hesitate to act. There can be no armistice. Your parts must fall in line or be crushed.
男: Um.

ポニーテール: When the battle is won, we will salt your abdomen so no new organs can ever sprout up to trouble you again.
男: Maybe I should get a second opinion.
ポニーテール: Only if you care what a weaker doctor would say.

Alt-text: Fortunately, after a brief skirmish, I seem to have gained the upper hand in the battle against my internal organs, at least until they learn to read and find out the mean stuff I've said about them.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Waiting for the But - 「しかし」を待つ


Waiting for the But(「しかし」を待つ)

ポニーテール: Listen, I'm all in favor of reducing car accidents, I think arson is a serious crime, and I'm a big fan of those "No Animals Were Harmed" disclaimers at the end of movies...

男(頭の中): Uh-oh.

The longer you have to wait for the "but", the worse whatever comes after it is going to be.

Alt-text: Listen, I'm not a fan of the Spanish Inquisition OR predatory multi-level marketing schemes...


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Heists And Escapes - 史上最大の脱出ゲーム


Heists And Escapes(強盗と脱出)

Escape rooms
Heist movies
Home Alone (1990)
The Battle of Winterfell
Inception (2010)
The Divine Comedy (1320)
Truman Show
The dead(死体)
Kevin McCallister's house
Kevin McCallister's subconscious
Dante's Inferno
My plan for the greatest escape room game of all time

Alt-text: The interactive experience is built on a single theological framework that unites Dante, George R. R. Martin, every major heist movie, and Erin Gloria Ryan's "Kevin is dead" Home Alone theory.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。